7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Menú nocturno | Late Night menu
11:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m.
Yogurt natural sin azúcar, fruta de su elección y miel de agave
Plain yogurt without sugar, fruit and agave honey
Sin gluten, servidos con frutos rojos
Gluten free, served with berries
Hongos salteados con cebolla, bañadas con salsa verde, lechuga, jitomate, crema y queso
Corn tortilla stuffed with sauteed mushrooms with onion, green tomato sauce, lettuce, tomato, sour cream & fresh cheese
Puede servirse sin lácteos / Ask for lactose free
Tosta de pan, queso cottage, aguacate, frutos rojos y miel
Toasted crostini, cottage cheese, avocado, berries & honey
Tosta de pan, espinaca y tomate cherry
Toasted crostini, spinach & cherry tomato
Tortillas de maíz rellenas de huevo revuelto, salsa de frijol, crema ácida, aguacate y cebolla
Corn tortilla stuffed with scramble eggs, bean sauce, sour cream, avocado and onion
Puede servirse sin lácteos / Ask for lactose free
Sin gluten / Gluten free
Hongos marinados con jugo de limon, aceite de olivo, cebolla morada, jitomate y cilantro
Mushrooms marinated with lemon juice, olive oil, red onion, tomato & cilantro
Frijol, pimientos, calabaza, cebolla, queso gouda servido con guacamole
Beans, bell peppers, zucchini, onion, gouda cheese served with guacamole
Puede servirse sin lacteos / Ask for lactose free
Hamburguesa de trigo, servida lechuga, jitomate y germen, servida con papas a la francesa
Wheat burger, served with lettuce, tomato and sprouts, served with fried potato
Puede servirse en pan gluten free / Ask for gluten free bun
Puede prepararse Vegana / Ask Vegan preparation
Portobello asado, gratinado con queso, servida con tomate, cebolla y lechuga larga
Grilled portobello, au gratin with cheese, served with tomato, onion and lettuce
Puede servirse en pan gluten free / Ask for gluten free bun
Puede servirse sin lácteos / Ask for lactose free
Puede prepararse Vegana / Ask Vegan preparation
Zanahorias marinadas en adobo de pastor, piña parrillada, cilantro y cebolla
Carrots marinated in a very traditional adobo sauce, grilled pineapple, cilantro and onion
Salsa de tomate, pesto de albahaca, pimientos, portobellos y tofu
Tomato sauce, basil pesto, bell peppers, portobello mushrooms, and tofu
Puede servirse en pizza gluten free / Ask for gluten free pizza
Carpaccio de aguacate, tomates cherry y ensalada verde
Avocado carpaccio, cherry tomatoes, green salad
Pera horneada en vino tinto, servida con helado de vainilla
Pears baked in red wine, served with vanilla ice cream
Sin gluten
Gluten free
Variedad de sabores / Variety of flavors
We take extreme care to assure the quality of our ingredients. The consumption of raw products is at your personal discretion. Prices in Mexican pesos with taxes included. Rates in Mexican pesos with taxes included; The exchange rate is the same applied in Reception. Additional charge: 15% service.